
How to distinguish the quality of PC sunshine board?

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  How to distinguish the quality of PC sunshine board? There are several grades of Sunshine Board according to its quality. Customers must first understand. Generally can be divided into three grades: high, medium and general. In order to meet different customer groups and customer needs, Shandong Baike divides its products into three grades according to the quality assurance, 10-year warranty, 5-year warranty, and 3-year warranty. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Faced with products that are too low in price, customers should pay more attention to whether the products meet the required quality specifications. At the same time, we should also pay attention to some merchants who are shoddy, otherwise they spent 10 years of warranty money to buy products with 5 years or 3 years or even lower warranty
   Misunderstanding 1: Use your hands to pinch the sun board.
   think hard is good. In fact, it only shows that the proportion of the sun board is sufficient, and the strength is naturally good. But in fact, the brightness is more important, whether the surface of the sun board is flat and whether there are bubbles or particles. If the particles and bubbles are large and large, it means that the raw material of the sunshine board is poor and the low-grade board. If it is less and smaller, it may be a better raw material.
   Misunderstanding 2: The thicker the stronger.
  The service life of the sunshine board is only related to the material and processing technology of the board.
  Misunderstanding 3: Use cheap accessories and install them directly with nails.
  High-quality aluminum alloy fittings can make the leakproof better after installation. High-quality rubber strips can make the entire structure safe and silent (20% reaming where the nails contact the board).